hi all, i just got a mail from a supplier of material, and they have LME farmaceutical grade and food grade, but what make me doubt its that on the datasheet it says that the LME contains Potassium sorbate, so im not sure if this addition of sorbate on the LME will kill the yeast or it should be safe after the boiling?
im no expert, but apparently potassium sorbate breaks down at well, well over boiling temp (270C) and,
"Potassium sorbate acts as a stabilizer. It does not kill yeast, or stop fermentation but it will stop the existing yeast from further multiplying as they usually would in the presence of sugar. "
That aside, there might be other issues with the malt if it is not intended for brewing. I once received chinese “malt extract” from an asian homebrew store over there and it just wouldn’t ferment out properly. I didn’t figure out what the issue was, but stopped using that stuff and the problem went away.
What is the source of this LME?
hi, i believe this malt extract its ment to be use for bakery or laboratory, that what the SDS says, but i still looking at the data sheet its has about 25-30% long chain sugars, that i believe it will be a bad for a beer since it will have a high FG due the complex sugars, im willing to try to buy a small try, if it doesnt work for fermenting i could use it for backsweet a braggot beer
hi, i believe this malt extract its ment to be use for bakery or laboratory, that what the SDS says, but i still looking at the data sheet its has about 25-30% long chain sugars, that i believe it will be a bad for a beer since it will have a high FG due the complex sugars, im willing to try to buy a small try, if it doesnt work for fermenting i could use it for backsweet a braggot beer
yup, i wouldnt risk it on a beer tbh, good thought about backsweetening though.