Longshot 2013

Did anyone get any Longshot score sheets yet.

I did not get mine yet.

I have not gotten mine either.

The 4 finalists have been posted on the Sam Adams Longshot site.

Hey, just wondering if anyone received scoresheets yet.  I was just at the Longshot website where it says:

“Will scores sheets be returned?”
Yes, score sheets will be sent either via email or USPS, for those who are not Finalists, by September 1, 2013.

I still haven’t received mine.

Still waiting.

Thanks, I emailed the address at the Longshot site but still no word.

For those still wondering, I received my LongShot scoresheets yesterday.  I think the cover letter from Jim Koch was dated early November so they should be arriving shortly if you haven’t gotten yours.

Got mine today, came with a T shirt.  Gordon Strong judged one of my beers, nope, did not get invited to GABF.  Maybe next year.

Got mine as well.  My beer was well liked, but all commented I should have entered it in 16E (style issues).  Looking back on it, they are right. :stuck_out_tongue: