Looking for female HomebrewCon Roomie for SanDiego

One of my female friends/club members is looking for a roommate to share for San Diego Homebrew Con. She’s a serious homebrewer who is attending her first HomebrewCon. Hoping to coordinate! Let me know!

Thank you Gail! Yes, I’m looking for a roommate to share the hotel costs.  There must be other similar situated women??  I have a room reserved in Marco Polo with 2 Queen Beds!  Hope this works out.  :slight_smile:

I am seeking a roommate for homebrew con.  I’m planning to arrive Tuesday night to judge Wednesday.  I can leave Saturday eve after “knockout” or stay til Sunday but can’t swing all those days alone $$.  Looking to make my reservation soon. Cheers!

Awesome! I replied to you privately and also let Laura know that you posted this! Let me know if you two don’t connect in the next day or so.