Looking for thoughts on recipe

Hey guys just got done designing this recipe in Beersmith and thought I’d see what you’d have to say about it.  I want to see what I can do with the Azacca and Jarrylo Hops I just got from Yakima Valley.

3.75 Gallon Batch Size

Grain Bill
6# 10oz. Briess Pilsen Malt
2# 5oz. Simpsons Golden Promise
1# .4oz. Briess Caramel 40
4.1 oz. Carapils

Hop Schedule
.5oz. Chinook 60 min
.33oz. Chinook 15 min
.33oz. Jarrylo 15 min
.33oz. Azacca 15 min
.5oz. Jarrylo Steep 20 min
.5oz. Azacca Steep 20 min
1oz. Jarrylo Dry Hop
1oz. Azacca Dry Hop

Planning to use BRY-97 for yeast but I do have US-05 on hand as well.

What do you think? Winner or stinker?

BRY-97 is a slow starter. Keep that in mind. It was about 48 hours for the batch I did with it.

Looks like a winner.  At what temperature will you mash?

My only thought is that 1 lb and 1/4 of crystal 40 seems like a lot for a small batch, especially with less than 10lbs of base malt. you are well over 10%, which can be a lot.