making lemonade out of lemons

My daughter was diagnosed with asthma today.  :-[  Luckily, it seems to be mild and there are good drugs and equipment to deal with it.  :-\

After she got home from the doctors we unpacked a piece of equipment called a nebulizer, basically an air compressor that vaporizes medicine to inhale.  All of the medicine and vaporizing happens at a mouth piece…remove that and all you have is a fish tank type air compressor with a sterile filter…a FISH TANK TYPE AIR COMPRESSOR WITH A STERILE FILTER!!!

great googily moogily!  If the air is pure enough to medicate someone with, surely it is pure enough to aerate wort!

I guess just got a new piece of brewing equipment.  Now that is some lemonade!!!  :smiley:

Which got me thinking…what would a used medical device like that go for on craigslist…maybe a cheap piece of equipment to pick up?  Since I now have one (until she moves away in 15 years), I just thought I would share the idea.

The filter won’t be sterile for long after air moves through it. But I like the idea. Crafty homebrewers… :wink:

I like the way you think.

Sorry about the kid… cool for the brewing!

Used medical equipment? Slap a prescription label on that fish tank pump and the price automatically jumps 1000x.

My dad uses a CPAP machine, I wonder if that’s the same sorta thing?

Isn’t a sterile filter in this context a filter which will not allow particles as big as microorganisms to pass? kind of like a the filters they use on BMC beer, scrub out all the yeast

Yep, it’ll be sterile up until the point that it clogs.

Ya sure she doesn’t need oxygen? Just in case, ya know, for emergencies maybe?  :wink:

Yep, it’ll be sterile up until the point that it clogs.

Ya sure she doesn’t need oxygen? Just in case, ya know, for emergencies maybe/quote]

Let’s hope not ever…as I said, her asthma is mild, but many friends were telling me that some of their kid’s asthma had subsided…so I was thinking that you might find this medical device not very expensive on the resale market (ie craigslist)…in checking craigslist…looks like anywhere from $15-$100 (and as low as $22 new on Amazon) and more than a few available in my area…so, all I am saying, besides “give peace a chance” is that if you were looking at wanting to try aerating your wort, a used nebulizer might be the cheap way to go because of the sterile filter action.  Admit it, you would spend more on a single stainless steel fitting, which doesn’t do a thing to improve your beer.