i’ve been brewing extract for the past eight or ten months. i had upgraded my brew kettle to a 10 gallon mega-pot already and was perfectly happy for a few months.
now i’ve got the itch to brew all grain so i have more control over the flavor of the beer and cut the cost of my brewing. i ordered the 7 lb barley crusher from northern brewer as well as this…
10 gallon AGS
not a sabco i know, but i’m sure it will keep me occupied until i have the resources to upgrade again.
i’m actually more nervous about screwing my beer up now than i was before my first extract batch…
Welcome to the AG club! That is a great setup! You may decide you don’t need to “upgrade”, and I can assure you, you can make as good a beer with twin Rubbermaids as you can with a BM. Plus, the money saved in gear can go towards more ingredients! ;D
I have a Sabco and before I had it I had (have) basically the same Set up you ordered. Guess what? Same beer. I do have a lot more fun with the Sabco and hey, the wife made me get it. Actually she bought it for me as a gift but I made really good beer with the Rubbermaid coolers.
i just bought some grains for my first couple batches…
---- Crisp Maris Otter
30 lb
---- Belgian Pale Ale
10 lb
---- Briess Victory
5 lb
---- Briess 2 Row Caramel 10
5 lb
---- Caramel Vienne
5 lb
---- Biscuit
3 lb
---- Special B
2 lb
---- Briess Special Roast Malt
2 lb
---- Aromatic
2 lb
---- Flaked Oats
2 lb
---- Weyermann Cara Munich III ®
1 lb
---- Briess 2 Row Caramel 60
1 lb
---- De-Bittered Black
1 lb
i’ve already collected quite a few hops…
(one more that i can’t remember the name of that is not common in the states)
london ale
ringwood ale
american ale II
can’t wait for my first all grain brew day! i’m going to do a black ipa.
thanks for the advice guys. i will cut back on those specialty malts. probably by at least half and then add maybe four ounces of de-bittered black for color?