We toured Weyermann Malting last month while in Bamberg. The tour was worth it, first Maltings I have been in.
The guide pointed out the best by date on the sacks. It is 18 months from when the malt is packaged. That is the best by date, the malt could still be used.
Hope this helps when one asks or wonders how long their malt is good for.
Good to know… I used some cracked grain that had been in a sealed bucket in my closet that was around 6 months old from when I cracked it, plus however long it had been sitting prior to that and it made one of my best stouts yet.
I’ve never noticed any dates on sacks of grains, granted I haven’t looked too hard. I wonder if there’s a way to tell how old a sack is.
And of course I completely overlooked the part where you said Weyemann dates their bags, scratch that last part. I’ll have to look at some other malt sacks tomorrow and see if I can find dates for other brands.