Anyone have any leads on where to find malted corn. Not opposed to doing a cereal mash with polenta. Not sure if it’s better than flaked maize? Just wanting to try something new.
No idea where to find it but corn is pretty easy to malt yourself. How many lbs are you talking about?
get an appropriately sized bucket put the corn in. soak in cool water overnight, then keep it cool and moist by rinsing well with cool water every 8 hours or so till it starts to sprout. once the rootlet is about 3 times as long as the kernal pop it in the over at 200 till it’s dry.
(you can determine ‘dry’ by weighing the corn before you start and then again after baking. the after should weigh the same or slightly less than the before)
What variety of corn would you recommend doing that with?
you want a field/dent/flint type corn. I am not sure that the specific variety is going to make a big difference but I would avoid ‘seed’ corn as it has likely been treated with something to prevent mold.
‘Feed’ corn would probably work but I am not familiar with what else might be mixed in.
I grew a bunch of oaxacan green dent corn this year and I thought it would be fun to brew with but my wife said she wanted me to make tortillas instead :