Malting company of Ireland Pale malt

Hey guys just wanted to know what people think of Irish Pale malt. My LHBS says he just got a sack and has a good price on it. He said it is what is used in Guinness and it is from there company any thoughts on it? I think it is officially call Irish Stout Malt or i could be mixing it up with another one from the sane company. Any light  that could be she’d would be greatly appreciated!

Same maltster makes that ale malt, stout malt, lager malt and distilling malt. All different varieties of malted barley.

BSG was giving away samples of the stout malt at GABF last year. I picked some up and used it to make a hoppy lager. I got great extraction from it and the flavor was very soft and worked well for a lager. Less grainy than many pale malts. That matches the maltster’s description very well.

All that is to say when the maltster’s website says the ale malt is brewed to be sweeter and amber-colored I believe it’s probably accurate. I’d suspect it is similar to a maris otter rather than an American pale malt.

I spoke to the BSG rep about this malt at last year’s NHC. He saw no problem with subbing it for Maris Otter, except that you might need to use a little less because of greater extract potential.

Of course, his job is to sell the stuff, so YMMV.

Thanks for the feedback. I did end up picking up a sack of it because it sounded like a well versatile malt. As far as the higher extract ability, how do you think I should go about adjusting a recipe that originally was going to use MO. I have tried to find more detail on it like it’s pg/p but have had little luck.