Maltodextrin - missed ingredient.

So I just made a dunkel wiezen from a kit, and I forgot to add the maltodextrin during the boil. I just put the beer in bottles, adn noticed I missed this step.

What is this going to effect?

To a smaller degree, the sweetness.  To a larger degree, the mouthfeel and body.

I’m feeling blunt – maltodextrin is a dumb ingredient for most beers, including dunkelweizen.  You’re probably much better off without it.  Don’t sweat it, not at all.

oh great! I thought I totally screwed this batch up.

+1 - I’d be suspicious of any kit that had that as an ingredient. Where did you get the kit from?

Hey,  you’re knocking my Mr. Beer!!! :wink:

Just some shitty kit I got from a beer and wine store. It was just something to learn the brewing process…I’m moving to full grain next batch.