Hosted the 3rd annual man-day celebration on Friday. We brew 20G, one lager and one ale, smoke cigars, drink scotch and beer and no ladies allowed until 7:00PM when we have a holiday party.
So we decided to just start adding hops at will. Here was the final breakdown for an 86 minute boil…pretty crazy.
Magnum 1oz at 86
Calypso .3 71 min
Chinook .4. 59 min in calypso.
Amarillo .6 7 min later.
Tettnanger .5 8 min later
Willemette. .5 5 min later
Citra .5 5 min
Sterling .5 4 min
Citra .5 7 min
Us goldings .6 4 min
Simco .5 7 min
Cluster .7 4 min
Chinook .8 3 min
Heat off at 1:09
We ended up killing 4 kegs, 6 bottles of scotch and an uncountable amount of wine…you’re all invited next year!!! ;D
I can get a mental picture of the dry hop aroma and flavor of those varieties, but together with that cast of late hops, I’m at a loss to even guess. Sounds very,very interesting !
I should note that the original brew was 10G which I split with 1056 and US-05. I dry hopped the 5G of 1056 with the above and I plan to keg the US-05 today without dry hops. We’ll put both on tap at the same time and see the differences. But 5G with an additional 6.5 oz of hops (especially those 4) should yield some serious aroma on top of that almost continuous hopping schedule. Each of the additions above were that many minutes after the last addition.
Experimenting with hops is a blast ! I made no telling how many batches over the years with a really simple grist ( 95% 2 row, 5% C40 ) for that purpose. Learned a lot and made some good beers along the way. My LHBS has some new varieties I haven’t used yet, so there’ll be some more of those batches coming. Enjoy!