Man jewlery

I’m a big fan. i’m really into the SS stuff. It’s cheap, and it looks good. Been collectiong it lately. I never take any of it off, except the watch. Thinking of adding a pinky ring. Holly thinks it would be to much, though. Next purchase will be a heavier necklace. This is kind of a cheap one, that I have now. Need something heavier, and better quality.
  How bout you all? Anyone wear any man bling?

Just the wedding yoke (ring). Plenty of bling with it, don’t need much. I’m the bling!

Same here, the little gold band is the only bling you’ll ever see me with.

There’s a joke in the airline business about the guys with the big watches… :wink:

Heavy necklaces are awesome!  ;D


Try as I might, I cannot get used to wearing a watch. I have a nice one my wife got me when we
married. It sits at home. I use my cell for time more than anything. I used to wear a silver chain
bracellet. But I lost it and subseqent replacements were “Silver” that wore down to copper.

Havent bought a repacement since that green stain on my wrist.

I just have the wedding ring which I think of as jewellery, and that gets taken off for certain activities. I do wear a stainless chronograph though, and would be lost without it.

I cant wear any jewelry. It just bothers me. Cant imagine wearing a watch. I dont wear my wedding ring either.

Once I took a high frequency arc to the ring finger and nearly pooped my pants.

Besides (and no offense). I always found jewelry on men to be rather effeminate. Especially on the thumb. A women told me once that the thumb ring is used in a certain sex act that is performed on a man. Its there as a signal.

Hey weaze, you think drinking cocoa is girly, but you wear jewelery?  ;D

Have never had any luck with wristwatches.  Whenever I’ve had one, it’s usually been broken within a week or two so I haven’t worn one in probably 30-35 years.

These days it’s just a wedding ring and a watch.  Back in the 70s, I wore puka shell and turquoise necklaces, turquoise rings, scrimshaw bracelets inset with coral…

I just don’t even know where to start to respond to this! First off, I laughed my butt off at the pants pooping. That’s always classic stuff. I have never heard that about the thumb ring!  :o Now i’m worried!!! And as for you last comment…you’re an ass!  ;D

I can’t wear any jewelry.

Not because it’s effeminate or any such nonsense.  I can’t wear rings cause they interfere with my typing and make that all awkward. I can’t wear anything else because I’m such a graceless oaf that I get caught up in everything!

I’ve heard the same about the thumb ring, but the same applies to tongue piercings, and that doesn’t seem to stop anyone. The signals are there if you know what they are, but to most people it’s just jewellery.

Shiny stuff tends to attract hungry things with big teeth when I’m in the ocean, so I don’t wear it.  The sun and stars work pretty good for knowing what time it is.  And there’s the clock on my iPhone if I need to know the time more exactly.

You could start the new fad - having internal organs pierced.  :-\

Don’t worry weaze. I wear mine Anthony Bourdain style. I like the bottle opener ring on your 4th right. Bad-ass.

Anthony Bordain. I rest my case.

LOL, by the way, Weaze, is your right thumb way smaller than your left?

Oh man! I see it coming…


We kid because we love…

A wedding ring and my watch is all I ever wear.  Many, many, were talking very many moons ago I wore a class ring but it wouldn’t even fit my pinky anymore.  I stopped wearing a light gold chain about 15 years ago when it finally broke.

I do many things around HV and moving gears to wear too much in the way of jewlery.  God put me on this earth with a certain inventory and I plan on returning the kit with as much still attached as possible.
