Same thing? Ordered some MO lately and the grain is labeled British Pale Malt.
Maris Otter is a cultivar labeled by some maltsters as Pale. What brand malt is it?
Yes, Crisp. Is there a batch code or a label from Crisp still attached to the sack, or is it just MoreBeers label?
Yeah just More Beer label. The product code matches the link above.
It should have some labeling on it. Maris otter is their normal pale, but they do have others as well. I’m sure you’re fine.
Oh… I assumed you got a sack. Yeah, that’s Maris Otter.
I tried to pull up the lot analysis on BSG’s page, but no success.
Call or e-mail them. Brewers Supply Group.
They have quite a good U.K. selection including Irish malting’s pale malt, stout malt, and lager malt.
Keep in mind that British Pale Malt can also be Pearl, Optic, etc. Different cultivars can be used to make similar malts. Even if it is not Maris Otter per say, it is still an appropriate malt for what you are doing.