Don’t do the math, or software. Just tell me what your OG would be if you single infusion mashed 9 lbs. Marris Otter 2 row and 1 lb of 60o l Crystal on your system. Mash in 154o.
About 1.060 assuming 5 gallons for a final volume & 80% efficiency. Cheers!!!
Did exactly that last week. 1.058 OG was what I recorded for 5 US gallons.
I generally get 85% BHE. I don’t use much MO so I don’t have a good established extract rate for it. Every sack could be different. I would expect 5.5 gallons of 1.057 wort. Anywhere from 1.055 to 1.060 would be fine. Mash temp should not matter for OG, but then hitting the FG is even more important than the OG anyway.
5 gallons of 1.060, or close enough.
1.056 with 5gal and 75% efficiency
Thanks for the replies. I got 1.054 for five gallons.
Which means you got ~74% Brewhouse Efficiency (BHE). You can use that as a target for your next brew. 74% is just fine.
There are a few things you can do to improve your BHE like water profile and crush. A little research will be enlightening. Some brewers will boast about their efficiency but the most important thing is hitting it every time. That makes your beer predictable. Good job Man!! Cheers!!!
I asked this because my last 3 brews used pilsner as a base malt, and my efficiency was closer to 80%, in fact, I had to top off to drop the gravity some. I know I changed two things at once: batch sparging over fly, and base malt. Just thinking about it.