I had made a reciept in BeerSmith, and when i select a Double Infusion for the mashing the program tells me to do it in 3 steps(protein rest 30mins, saccharification 30 mins and mash out 10 mins) using X amonts of water for each one, the total amount is the total water ill use for the reciept.
So i was wondering if the mash out is the sparging, so i have to sparge 10 mins with that amount. Or mb ill have to make the mash out with out draining and then make the sparge with more water.
I have a papazap double bucket for the mashing and sparging.
Thanks guys!
A mashout is a high-temperature rest at the end of the mash, completely separate from sparging.
Most recipes won’t benefit from a protein rest either.
Multi step mashes that span a large temp range need a lot of water if done with hour water infusions. You don’t have water left for sparging.
You could do a no-sparge or not do that many mash rests. The protein rest, for example is unnecessary in most cases.
Beersmith is a tool. It is NOT instructions on how to brew! Do a single infusion mash with a single batch sparge. A mashout is not needed. See www.dennybrew.com for more info.
I’m curious, do you whirlpool after the boil? I’m kinda guessing not since even with the holes pointed down on your kettle pickup you’d take up break/hop matter.
I don’t use that pickup any more (GOTTA get that pic changed!) but, no, I don’t whirlpool then or now. I have a pickup that curves back around to the side of the kettle. I bag whole hops and let pellets go through the pump into the fermenter.