Mating different metals in my new setup.

I’m looking to start setting up a gravity fed system with pumps for mash recirc and CFC and I plan on using materials I can source locally, mainly hard piped copper and brass valves.

I have my eye on some really nice aluminum pots for a good price and am curious to know how copper/bronze mates with aluminum. I plan to use stainless locknuts for my heating elements and copper fittings in the kettle and am curious if I should be worried about corrosion.

There is an episode of brew strong, maybe a few, where Palmer talks about using different metals together. He is a metallurgist by trade, so he knows a thing or two. Give it a listen.

Yeah I’ve listened to the two shows dealing specifically with metallurgy.

I guess I was looking for something g a little more in depth. Aluminum and Copper have some distance between them in the galvanic series but it depends on the environment. I’m not sure how the brewing environment fits in with the seawater/non temp controlled/temp controlled environments used to gauge the differences in anodic index.