Me vs Octoberfest

Fellow Brewers,

Just looking for some support in my battle against the last of the Octoberfest tonight so I can be full keg ready for my holiday party tomorrow night.  So far it’s about an even fight but as always, it should have kicked about 2-3 pints ago.  Wish me luck!


It’s like fighting a big fish - try to reel it in all at once and you’ll lose out. Keep fighting and you’ll eventually break the keg’s will. Show it who’s boss !  :wink:

Good luck. Dont forget to hydrate, we dont want you cramping up.

Thanks Jon.  Good advice for sure.  I’ll try to keep my patience but it’s tough when you think you have it on the ropes!

BTW-Tomorrow is my Man Day party and we are making the annual Man Day Sloppy Hoppy IPA.  We’ll hop 1oz in 15 gallons every 5 minutes on a 90 minute boil and then a crazy whirlpool addition.  Depends on what the crew votes but it will be epic!  Bought a 15"OD x 16" deep hop spider just for the occasion.  Right up your alley!  ;D


Excellent point…training 101.

Sounds awesome ! That’s one big spider - that should contain it all.

Cut me Mick!

Keg wins.  Can’t not be 100% tomorrow for the big brew.  As a wise man once said, “a man’s got to know his limitations…”

Shame. I did not know my limitations last night, but I feel fine today, fortunately.

Natural Light?

Its pronounced Nă - Tē light

When I get home from work on a sunny day, I like to open the shades and let a little natty light in the house. Really brightens my mood.

Truth be told, I went upstairs and started chatting about the party with my wife and got re-energized.  Went downstairs to fill back up and it was the last pull!  So in the end, I won and felt good the next day for the big brew.  We hopped 1oz every 5 minutes on a 90 minute boil and I topped that off with a 7oz whirlpool addition until the wort cooled to 180F.  Came in at 150 IBUs…