I am going to make a Helles Bock (I know it will be too late for May Day) with an infusion mash rather than a traditional decoction. I want to use about 20% Munich 10L and was going to use about 1/4 lb Melanoidan Malt to make up for the lack of decoction, but it is 20L. I want to keep this beer as light in color as possible.
How much more Munich 10L would I have to add to get the same amount of melanoidan flavor as the melanoidan malt?
Yeah, I realize you mean helles bock. Made one a few weeks back. You’ll have to decide about decoction for yourself, but in an experiment I did, the conclusion was that a single decoction with a 30 min. did not make a difference that people noticed. If you’d like to read it, go to http://www.ahaconference.org/wp-content/uploads/presentations/2008/DennyConn.pdf and start on pg. 25.