Met a board member today. (pic added)

Ruben,  aka Rabid Dingo. My flight home took me  through Denver.  So,  he came in before his shift,  and we walked to New Belgium  and had lunch,  and a beer.  Heck of a good dude.  I’m privlidged to have met him. He even gave me a sampler glass from GABF 2010!  I kinda felt like a douche,  cause i had been up since 4:30 am. Acted like i was two sheets to the wind, could not even form a proper sentence.  Still a good time though. I will definatly lay over there more often.  8) Got a pic to post, just to lazy right now.

It is always fun to meet people from forums.
Good for you.

Blame it on bacon… :wink:

I thought it was a long running joke on the forum, but he really doesn’t
wear pants.  :o Sure must make it easy getting through security.  ;D

It was fun sharing a beer, and shooting the sh!t with ya.

Wish I could have been there…

You gotta get your butt over here and get some grain from Portneuf Brewing some day. We’ll burn the town to the ground!


You guys going to be in San Diego this June?

I’d give both my right nuts to be there, but I really don’t think it’s gonna happen.  :frowning:

Nice moment. For us newbies, who’s who?

Weaz is the one with no pants.

… and looks like he’s two sheets to the wind.

damn - I forgot he worked there - I was in Denver last Thursday for about 4 hours since my plane was delayed.  Oh well, it appears I may be going out there more often - maybe next time.

I’m the chump in the Angry Birds t-shirt.

Weaze, you are inside DIA in that pic…and yet you walked to New Belgium??
New Belgium is in Ft. Collins… ???

They must have a kiosk in the airport or something. Been a while since I been thru there…

I LOLd for real on that one.

They have restraunt at the end of the B concourse.

Thanks now I know where to go hang out whilst waiting for connecting flights… ;D

yeah - wished I had known that - I got stuck at Rock Bottom  :frowning:

hahaha, man you are just out of the loop on this one!

Wait…Did you just say stuck at Rock Bottom!!! You sir, have jusy made it my “people I strongly disagree with” list. I did not they had one at Denver. I have been scheduling as many flights as possible through MSP so I could hit that one. I love the pulled pork sandwich, and the cole slaw they use on it is great. Darn fine IPA too. Stuck at Rock Bottom…sheesh… ::slight_smile: