Check these out. What do you guys think?
I actually like that. How much do they cost?
It says they’re competitive with the German growlers, which are ~$25. I’d want one in hand before I made a final decision, but for now put me in the “love it” category.
Those look pretty sweet! Definitely not loaners!
Kinda like the feeling of a weaponized growler.
My only fear would be the seal. Can’t recall many consumer grade metal devices with a pressure safe screw on lid.
It looks like the lids are plastic of some sort, and they have different ones available. It seems like a great idea, but execution is everything.
I love the idea. Can’t wait to see them if they make it to actual production.
Hmm looks like there might be a couple versions coming out. I think they’re cool
They do look cool. Plus I followed a link or two to bars in New Orleans from their site. Thanks for that. I’ll be there in about a week.
I recommend getting out of the Quarter for beer bars…
Yeah, I definitely want one of those.
Looks like a pretty cool idea. I’d like to try one out, and see how well it works.
Stone has 40oz metal growlers on their site:
Are these things insulated?
Those are Kleen Kanteens. KK makes a 64 oz canteen as well:
I have a couple of their 27 ouncers for hiking, road trips, etc. I like them quite a bit - haven’t tried putting beer in them yet though…
I like the “caribeener ready” aspect. I can see myself hanging by my fingertips from a ledge, and I reache one hand into my chalk bag, then switch and with the other have a quick swig of pale ale.
I like the idea of being able to re-carb flat beer and serve under pressure…I want a couple…
They have definitely piqued my interest. I’d love to add a couple to the collection
It looks interesting at least.
Wow. You cant hate on that. They look pretty cool and seem to have some additional functionality built into them. I’ll volunteer for a test if they want to send me a few! Wonder if the local breweries would fill them? If not, its a great home brew gadget.