Gonna be road tripping through Michigan soon and looking for a few good breweries to visit along the way. Looking for suggestions please. Thanks.
Where in Michigan.
Bells, Big Rock, Jolly Pumpkin, Founders, Brewery Vivant, Arcadia, Dark Horse, Waldorf
check out http://www.michiganbeerguide.com
I’ll be in Detroit(Farmington Hills) and Grand Rapids area(Sagautuk,Ada). Thanks for the link. I have Bells and Founders on my list and would like to try and visit a couple more. What would be the next best ale houses to visit? Thanks.
I recommend Hop Cat in Grand Rapids both for the food and the beer.
Saugatuck has one. I wouldn’t make a special trip to go to it but if you’re there already why not?
New Holland is nearby.
Round Barn might be interesting as it is a winery, brewery and distillery.
when you said Grand Rapids I was going to mention Hopcat, Jeff does an awesome job on his brews there but they are better known as a beer bar with plenty of taps and most from Michigan, but you meal needs to be at Brewery Vivant, not that there is anything wrong with Hopcat, Check it out.
If you are into sour beers, Jeffry is THE (singular) Master of the barrel arts. Many Michigan breweries do really good barrel aged and sour beers, but Jeffry and Jolly Pumpkin is THE place to check out for this. He has a pub in Ann Arbor, the barrel facility is in Dexter.
Darkhorse is a must stop if you’re heading down 94. It’s right off 94 in Marshall just east of Kzoo.
I would recommend:
Hopcat for beers and it’s an awesome bar
Brewery Vivant for beers and food
Sicilianos for bottled beers and homebrew supplies (best in the state)
Founders for beer
In Kzoo-
Bells for beer
Darkhorse for beer
In metro detroit-
Big Rock Chophouse for beer and food. Awesome food
Bastone for beer
Anything in Ann Arbor. Jolly Pumpkin has very tasty sours.
That should get you started.
Thanks for the tips, leaving on tuesday for the big mitten. Looking forward to drinking some Michigan beers the next several days. Will be hittting Hopcat and Founders for sure, not sure what else will fall into place. Looks like I can get Bells a lot of places so I 'll try their stuff on nights in, nothing usually compares to brewery fresh though.