Friday night I had the opportunity to attend a tasting of Midnight Sun beers. One of our club members, Jim Ritchhart, had been in Alaska and came back with a wide selection of their beers, mostly from their specialty & one-off series. The selection we had was strongly slanted towards their Belgian style brews; not a surprise if you know Jim.
Unfortunately, I left my notes at Jim’s, so I’ll probably miss some, but we tried Monk’s Mistress, and the earlier version of it called La Maitresse du Moine, Panty Peeler Triple, Artic Devil Barleywine, TREAT (Imp punkin porter), Jupiter, Descent, Anchor (Brett wit), Pride (Brett Pale Ale), Because, and maybe one or two others.
I was very impressed. Consistently clean & well brewed (except where they wanted some wild funk), creative & experimental. Also had some standout art on their labels, as well as some entertaining creative writing in their descriptions. There was a discussion of label design in another thread. Midnight Sun has some very unique & attractive labels… and their beer delivers on any promises made by those labels.
Anyway, try 'em if you can. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for more of their fine beers. Probably won’t show up often here in Florida, but you never know.
The house beer at Humpy’s in Anchorage is one that I drank in large amounts. Turned out it was made by Midnight Sun.
Midnight Sun Humpy’s Sockeye Red. The limited amount of their other beer that I had was very good.
Definitely a treat. Jim’s tastings are not to be missed.
From the Midnight Sun website, it looks like the Sockeye Red is one of their regular beers. Maybe someday I’ll get the chance to try it.
hmmmm… if they’re available in Virginia, they might be available in Atlanta. Whenever I get up that way, Green’s is always one of my stops. They’re a great liquor store with an extensive selection of both beers and single malts (other stuff too, but that’s what floats my boat). Certainly, they’ve got a lot of things that aren’t available down here in Gainesville, FL. I’ll have to see if they’ve got anything from Midnight Sun next time I’m there.