One of my all-time favorite pies is mince meat, but when Borden --which used to make mince meat and sell it at a price regular folks could afford-- got bought out and the new conglomerate discontinued selling it, the price of mincemeat pie filling skyrocketed beyond what I could justify paying for it.
So I went to the internet and found a recipe for pie filling without the actual meat, but still delicious. And, I’m thinking about leaving out the pie crust and adding it in the secondary to a porter after initial fermentation is complete and then allowing more time for secondary fermentation.
The bulk of the recipe is apples and raisins along with the spices found in a lot of winter warmers.
One ingredient in the recipe that I think I should probably omit is pickle juice. I think even commercial varieties might contain lactobacillus and other microorganisms that might move it into the Sour Beer category.
Comments please.
Also when it comes to preventing unwanted “bugs” in the beer, some have suggested potassium metabisulfite to treat fruit before adding to the fermenter.
So I guess the flavors you arre looking for are spices, raisins, and apple? Maybe brown sugar?
It sounds like you are actually thinking of making the actual filling? I would just deconstruct and add cinnamon sticks, cloves nutmeg/mace for spices. Raisins don’t come through so I would go with stronger dried fruit like currants, maybe figs, in a decent quantity. You may actually want to try a dark belgian candi syrup, they can provide the dark sugar taste and also dried fruit notes. I am thinking some malts can give dried fruit and carmel flavors, special B comes to mind. Yeast selection could help too. Perhaps a belgian but if not an Enlgish strain like WY1469.
If I were making this beer I see it being a hybrid Belgian quad and English Porter. Maybe take a porter recipe and swap out some of the crystal with Special B and add the candi syrup and other goodies.
This could be a good beer, good luck.
not sure where you live, but we still have very normal and available mince meat filling here though its a bit seasonal.
ive made some from scratch before, and i feel like the flavours arent exactly “fermented” but sort of aged and alcoholic along with intense fruits and spices.
this is just thinking but:
-brandy or rum, a good amount that a drinker notices bigly
-apple juice as a large component of it
-lots of raisins and dried currants
-figs, dates, prunes
-cinnamon, ginger, cloves
-molasses or some kind of brown sugar syrup
I don’t see a sanitation issue for the pie filling, which will be cooked, nor the pickle juice which is very acidic. Just don’t add the pickle juice until after fermentation.
Adding almost anything post fermentation is OK due to alcohol and especially, low pH. I’ve proven that to myself many times when I add foraged, unsanitized mushrooms.