From the Abbey Beverage Company in Pecos, NM. Is it a Pale Ale? Not sure cause this ain’t no wit. Very drinkable, which is one of the stronger points of this offering. Otherwise I’m left with thoughts of what is it about this beer that makes me want another when it is so unremarkable?
Got a bit of the old Belgian to it without any off flavors. Clean with biscuit malt flavor and hop bitterness. Faint floral and citrus aroma.
Lackluster, but interesting beer all the same. I’m getting another…
Oh I see. It does have similar qualities to Leffe. I only mentioned a Wit because of the webpage. Got to say I like it better than Leffe. Beer Advocate gives it a “B” and no arguments here. The light refreshing character of the brew really makes it compelling. Have a couple with lunch and still get some work done in the afternoon.
Yep. I snag stuff up when the moment arises while looking sadly at a receipt. If the Brune comes available I’ll take it on good advice. There’s a place in town that I’ve never hit. Supposed to be the best…
It’s become available at a very reasonable price at my after work pit-stop at $7.99. I’m on my third sixpack in less than two weeks. This stuff Is something I want to learn how to brew.