Monster Mill 3 Shaft

I just got my first mill its a Monster Mill 3.  My plans are to drive it with an electric motor through a gear box connected to the mill with a Lovejoy coupler.  The mill has a 1/2" shaft with 3 flat sides but no key way.  Any suggestions on the best way is to lock the coupler onto the shaft?

Appreciate any ideas you may have.

I have this Lovejoy for my MM3:

It has a set screw that holds onto a flat side on the shaft.

Thanks for the reply.  I was worried the coupler with just the set screw would not hold firm to the shaft.  Have you had any problems?

I haven’t gotten it running yet (need to make a spacer to get the mill shaft to the height of the motor shaft), but I can’t get it off without tools. I have the L090 version, which is a bit beefier than the L075.

You should not see any issues with the set screw.  Once you tighten it up it will seat in tight and not come loose.  The bigger challenge is getting apart when you need to.

I don’t have a Monster Mill but I have installed many pulleys/connection in drive systems with set screws.
