Monster Mill popping loose

Hey all. I have a Monster Mill 2.0 2 roller mill I’ve had for about 3 years.

Every now and then the set screws will pop loose while milling, and I’ll have to dump all the grain out - reset the mill gaps and start over.

My method is to mist my grain with a little bit of water from a spray bottle and mix it up thoroughly, then mill at about .30 to 34 or so. Nothing too crazy. I use a Makita corded 1/2" drill to mill - very strong drill.

I’ve never oiled it or anything - no idea how. Any ideas why it keeps popping?


If that’s the mill with the 2 inch rollers, I can tell you that buying those upgraded eccentric knobs is very helpful. They NEVER shift.

However, back to your problem. There are two ways that the eccentric adjusters can reach their XX thousandths setting: over the top or up from the bottom. Both of your eccentrics need to be set on the same side (bottom or top). If you’ve been setting them on one side and they have been popping out, you need to try setting them from the other side of the eccentric. I don’t know which side they should be set on so that they don’t pop out.


Logically, the eccentric should turn into the opposing roller.  In other words, the high point of the eccentric cam should be above the center line of the opposing roller.  However, it could never hurt to shoot a quick message to the manufacturer for more detail.

Regarding lubrication, I use a Barley Crusher and I have not read anywhere that lubrication is necessary.  Perhaps another brewer can follow with some further recommendations.

Most of these mills use a brass bushing in lieu of actual bearings. They do not require any lubrication.

I think they still need lubrication, but it isn’t much. Every 10 or 20 hours of actual use is probably appropriate. For a homebrew mill, that could be years between lubrications.