
Watched the first 2 episodes so far, since its highly illegal I can’t believe anyone would let themselves be videotaped doing it, especially without their identity masked. Interesting none-the-less.

Anyone else watching this?

I have a couple episodes recorded, but haven’t watched them yet. Don’t you think that maybe it’s not real alcohol that they’re producing. If it was just water in the still you couldn’t really tell.

I thought the same thing which is why my DVR is set to record the series. Other than the legality, how is the show?  So many of these new shows just suck, with all of the fluff they put in them.

it is what it is, bunch of southern boys playin with guns and makin shine. its not as well produced as something like deadliest catch but its amusing. the part i find interesting is the terminology they use for all of the equipment, like “The Worm” is an immersion chiller, etc etc

i’ll continue watching it just because its somewhat related to brewing heh. plus some of the people are real characters, like this old moonshiner named Popcorn.

I have not heard of this show but on the legality issue it would be pretty easy to either a) go ahead and spend the time and money to get them a legal permit or b) make it easy on themselves and get a permit to distill for fuel which is quite easy to do. Just don’t drink it! that would make it illegal.

I don’t know if it’s the same guy, but Popcorn Sutton was a famous moonshiner, however unlikely that sounds. Popcorn Sutton - Wikipedia

yup that’s him, but it looks like archival footage, from the speed, grain and softness it says to me that its film.

Isn’t that the guy that got convicted and did himself in before he had to go to jail? He was in bad health anyway, as I understood it.

Been enjoying the show. Entertaining, and very inspiring.  :wink:

Caught it while surfing last night. I find it hard to believe that they were doing anything but “demonstrating” when it came to “put the fire to it”. There’s probably plenty they aren’t revealing and it’s just a simulated crime.

Interesting though.

Popcorn Sutton died back in '09.

It’s probably like one of this car repo shows where they are reinacting a incident that happened to them in the past. All of that stuff is contrived. I think that the ATF spends too much time on moonshiner when in reality is only really the hill people that drink it. Make it legal allow themselves to kill themselves with it.

How’s that foot taste?

:-X  we already  beat this horse to death…sorry but you should not put the mods
on the spot about this subject…tiz verboden

we also beat it up over yonder before the great migration…
Edit:  I LIKE turtles

Good call Vert. On both counts…taking it easy on the mods, and your love of turtles.  ;D

I watched the first episode I had recorded. It was interesting, but I agree that it’s probably reenactments. Those involving Popcorn appear to be archive film used just for entertainment.

I first cringed at the thought of getting water from a stream, but since everything is distilled, what could it hurt?

I not sure which is more entertaining, the program or these comments.

Yes, Popcorn was real. He lived in Maggie Vallley, NC and he did do himself in before returning to the Pen again.
Barney and Junior are real people too.

That’s my story too.

BTW…it was a “worm” a couple of hundred years before it was an immersion cooler.

So I’m tole.

Remember the narrator commenting that “shine” is a 100 million dollar a year business?

Well the law enforcement side ATF etc is probably at least a 100 million a year. So it’s probably more like a 200 million dollar a year business.  ;D

And it was a thumper about a hundred years before Bambi’s rabbit buddy was born too.

So I’m tole    :wink:

Three words:

Fast and Furious…  :smiley:

If that law enforcement officer trying to catch these guys (whoever he is) is really who we depend on for this stuff, we’re in big trouble. He has no plans on what to do when encountering a dog??? Like no one living in the woods has dogs?