More giant yeast colonies

I took pictures of a few other giant yeast colonies that I grew a while back. Those pics have been added to the list of our club’s yeast bank:

WY3068 grew the colony that looked most interesting:


If you don’t know what this is about, check out my earlier post on this:


Thanks Kai for posting this.

I like giant colony information but some how missed it on your site.


Kai, does that hole in the colony correspond to a bubble in the agar?  It looks like there’s a depression right there.

There was a bubble in the agar.


edited…OK, I’ll behave now…

And to add a serious note:

The yeast bank you maintain, how do you keep all the strains alive? Right now I am rolling a 1056 into a new batch the moment I rack it, so there is no storage issue. But, there a re a few beers I would like to be brewing a few times a year… Other than getting fresh, which way do I need to start thinking?

Impressive collection of colonies. How are you storing the colonies now?

Store your yeast on slants.  I just resurrected some Wyeast 1084 off of a slant made in November of 2009.

I keep my yeasts on slants and re-culture them every 6-10 months.

They are still on the top of the fridge and I’ll discard them at some point since they have no practical use other then looking at them.


Ok, I was trying to figure out that growth pattern, I haven’t seen it before and it’s not like you get with mutations. :slight_smile:

I think Bill Cosby could have some fun with this thread.