Drew, I always go for instrumentals rather than lyrics (with just a few exceptions). If you like film scores you might like modern classical music which I suppose is the ultimate instrumental. I like the last two clips; these are similar to what I listen to when I’m not listening to classical or jazz. Here are some of my recent favorite bands -
Terminal 4
El Michels Affair
The New Mastersounds
Nels Cline (albums - Coward, Initiate, Destroy All, Instrumentals)
Tin Hat Trio
Muddy World
Russian Circles
Outside of the requisite 20 minutes of pure insturmentals per album in my Pink Floyd collection, not much. Santana, and a few random banjo pieces here and there, that’s about it.
For a guy who loves punk, metal, rock and blues,it’s strange to think that two of my absolute favorite pieces of music are Mozart’s rondo allegro in D minor, and Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata
Also I remember back in the late '90s, the local alt station would play this 4-minute long techno version of the Knight Rider theme. That was awesome driving music. ;D