My best attenuation so far

Pale ale all grain 1.057 pale ale with Wyeast 1272, 1/2 tsp Wyeast nutrient, splash aeration. 21 days at 71f. FG 1.008!!! She’s my first kegged beer, forcing at 20 lbs till Sunday. Hydrometer sample had no off taste and a lite Mt hood aroma.

I’m crediting temp control in the mash tun and fermentor

“Freedom is temporary unless you are also Brave!” - Patriot

First beer on tap, eh? I’ll bet it doesn’t last a week. My first beer on tap was a hoppy red ale and I probably drank 4 pints a night until it was gone.

Just racked a pilsner that finished 1.006.  That is exceptionally low, but it was from 34/70 slurry repitched, so it might have been a bit heavy handed on the repitch.  Tastes great as a flat beer, so I’m carbing it right up.