I like the hop, but first here is the recipe…
6gal batch
Horriable 60% efficiency (5 gallon mash, 7 gallon sparge - too much sparge water)
11lb Thomas Fawcett Pearl
5lb Sugar Creek Pisler
12 Gallons of distilled water and matched it to the Yellow Full profile in BeerSmith
.25oz Moasic (12.25%) at 60min
2oz HBC 431 (14%) at 15min
2oz Citra(12%) Moasic (14%) Whirlpool at 160f for 20min
dry hop 4oz citra 2oz Moasic
yeast : wlp095 Burlington Ale
First thing - I had aimed to get somewhere around a 8% abv beer. I made a mistake and used to much sparge liquor. I am using 12.25oz of hops, so i wanted to make sure I had at least 5 gallons in my keg - still trying to figure that out.
Second - I like WLP095 for it’s peach esters.
Third - Yakima said 431 can have peach discriptors
First impressions - no peach at all! Too much of a good thing cancells each other out
Big citra aroma on dry hop
Did a diacytal rest, so no butter character
At first taste, beer could be descirbed as having a celery flavor.
After carbonating, and aging about a week - citra aroma lingers and it has a wonderful bitterness quality. Recipe calculates to 65IBU. My impression is that it’s clearly and IPA with no astrigency. It’s a clean/fresh bitterness that does not wreck your pallet. Moasic character is dull, but i am very satisified by the bitterness.
I made this similar recipie before with Pearl exchanged with Maris Otter - and I felt like there was somthing missing. 431 didn’t give me the peach character that I was looking for, it did give me a very satifying bitterness componet that I haven’t had before. I am very happy with it! Cheers!