Mystery Box?????

I have a weird situation here.  To set the stage I am fairly new to brewing, have done several extract batches that turned out well, and assisted in a few all grain.  I have been preparing myself for stepping into all grain for a little while now.  This is where things get funny.  I ordered a carboy, cap and airlock from a major online site and when I recieved my packages I had 2 boxes on my door.  One had the correct order for me, the other was full of different all grain bags.  Now, here I faced a situation, and me being a honest guy, decided to call the distributor.  Well since it was considered a perishable item, they could not take it back and told me to brew it.  The problem is, no recipe.  Here is were I need help, if anyone can come up with what to brew from here it would help out alot.  Would hate to see this go to waste.  I know there is at least an oatmeal stout in here, but not sure what else I can come up with.  Anyway here it is…

1 White Labs California Ale Yeast WL001
1 Private Collection- West York Ale Yeast Wyeast 1469-PC Activator
1lbs Cara Malt (crisp) Crushed
10 lbs. Marris Otter (crisp) crushed
1 lbs. Victory (Briess) crushed
1 lbs. British Chocolate (Simpson’s) crushed
.5 lbs. Roasted Barley (Simpson’s)
.5 lbs. Dark Crystal (Simpson’s) crushed
1 lbs. Flaked Oats crushed
3ea Palisade - Gourmet Hop plug 2oz.
.5 lbs. Flaked Barley crushed
.5 lbs. Rice hulls crushed
.5 lbs. Crystal 50-60L (Simpson’s) crushed
10lbs. Halcyon (Thomas Fawcett & Sons) crushed
1 lbs. Golden Promise crushed
2ea. Kent Golding Pellet hops 1oz.

Ok, there it is, can anyone give me a hand and figure out how to utilize all this grain?

I think you have 2 different 5 gallon recipes there.

I’d try to put together an oatmeal stout and and Engilsh bitter.

Off the top of my head, at least.


Can you search the website from where it came from? Maybe they list the recipes.

These are all from the 2nd box, or both?
Looks like 2 recipes, one with Califronia yeast and the other with West York. Of course you could make your own recipe. Anything you’ve got a hankering to brew?

Oatmeal stout - 5 gallons of 1.086 with 75% efficiency
1 White Labs California Ale Yeast WL001
1lbs Cara Malt (crisp) Crushed
10 lbs. Marris Otter (crisp) crushed
1 lbs. Victory (Briess) crushed
1 lbs. British Chocolate (Simpson’s) crushed
.5 lbs. Roasted Barley (Simpson’s)
.5 lbs. Dark Crystal (Simpson’s) crushed
1 lbs. Flaked Oats crushed
3ea Palisade - Gourmet Hop plug 2oz.
.5 lbs. Flaked Barley crushed
.5 lbs. Rice hulls crushed

British Bitter - 5.5 gallons of 1.055 at 75% efficiency
1 Private Collection- West York Ale Yeast Wyeast 1469-PC Activator
.5 lbs. Crystal 50-60L (Simpson’s) crushed
10lbs. Halcyon (Thomas Fawcett & Sons) crushed
1 lbs. Golden Promise crushed
2ea. Kent Golding Pellet hops 1oz.

It’s definitely time to step up to all grain or make a friend in a local club.


Take this as a sign of fate. You are destined to go all grain with this.

Yeah, figured it was two batchs.  Tom, looks like you may have hit it there.  Thanks for the help.  And yes it is a score.

Good for you for being honest!  This is the Universe’s way of telling you it’s time for you to brew all grain beer.  Things happen for a reason.

Be sure to continue giving that homebrew supply store more business!

Or 1 ten gallon batch 8)

Maybe the shop can contact the party the ingredients were for, who can then email you the recipes? Worth a shot IMO.

So that’s where my stuff ended up! No really, honestly… ::)  ;D

If it was APA stuff we might believe you… :wink:

You funny…

OK, so I am doing the Suzuki method of brewing beer… that doesn’t make me a bad person does it?  ;D


No… the Suzuki method of learning the violin, or cello for that matter, is where you learn ONE tune… (twinkle twinkle little star) and you play it FIFTY THOUSAND TIMES… UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT… with variations, and rhythm  changes. With lots of fellow students…

My son played TTLS in Carnegie Hall, with 1259 other violins… I listened to TTLS a lot…WAAAAAY too much. But he had fun, and he was proud. So in the end that’s what matters.

So, it was a metaphor. I am brewing the same beer over and over for two reasons. 1: I like it, a lot. 2: I want to learn the effects of subtle changes in process and ingredients, all else remaining the same.

I brew other beers too, but this is the main training event.

Ah, just havin’ fun. It’s why we’re here. The methodology is sound…

+1 on Suzuki methods applied to brewing and brewing…and then to drinking, and drinking, and drinking.

I am told it aids with brain development…and makes me better looking.

beer goggles are a well proven technology!

I’m doing something very similar except I’m switching hops out. Oscar have you noticed any variation- especially since your transition to AG?