I was at the convention last year in MN, and saw an automated brewing system there that was about $6000 or so if I remember correctly. I am trying to figure out what the name is the company and unit is, it was pretty neat. Does anyone have an idea as to what it was called and who makes it? Any thoughts is appreciated. Thanks!
If it was the one they were brewing on just outside the doors to the parking lot, then it was a Blichmann system. Www.Blichmannengineering.com should get you there.
I hit their site, but can’t see any pics as I don’t have flash installed on my computer. The one I saw as in a room with other companies selling their products, it was along a wall, and looked pretty impressive. From what I remember, it was an all in one system, pumps, etc. I even think I got a brochure from them, they were pretty proud of their system. Looked quite high tech, mulltiple burners, etc. I think it was around 6’ long. Thanks for the reply, I will try looking into it further, that name rings a bell, but I think they were in the other corner. I’ll keep digging.
A pic finally loaded up, nope, that wasn’t it, they look to be a multi kettle verticle system, this one was more horizontal. Very cool, very high tech, but was at least $6000.
That was probably the Sabco Brew Magic system.
I checked out their site, it looks a little more like what I remember. It was fairly high tech, I wish I could find the info that I got when I was looking the system over. I filled out a info request on their site, I will talk with them and see if it is what I remember. Does anyone know of any other mfg’s who make a similiar system?
Try morebeer.com
Checked out morebeer.com, I think Brew Magic might be it, I’ll see if they are the one, and I’ll hanging around in case anyone comes up with other ideas of systems that are out there. Thanks for the replies!
there were only three system on display in the Mpls conference.
Top tear from Blickman,
2100 from MoreBeer:
and Brewmagic from Sabco:
With the price you are talking about it was most likely BrewMagic.
Given that B3, I believe, displays systems with stainless frames and digital SMART etc, their “as shown” price was probably close. I think they display a 1550 though, or did the last couple of years, and that doesn’t seem as close to the form factor the OP is describing as the Brew Magic, so I do think he is thinking of Brew Magic.
Yep, I think it was the Brew Magic. I contacted them, and they quoted me a price that was pretty much at what I remember. Quite a system, but I have been googling comparisons between the 3-4 main automated systems, and each has their pros and cons. One thing I read about was one had a tippy kettle, which some people liked. I have a heckuva lot more research to do, I know that for sure. Thanks everyone for your replies, I am going to start doing searches here for ideas. Great resource, glad I became a member!
Have you seen the Braumeister Electric System:
The Braumeister is an all-in-one, electric all-grain brewing system that will ship to you free of charge from MoreBeer!. Made by our long time business associate Speidel of Germany these systems are imported and supported in USA by MoreBeer!. The Braumeister features an automation and ease of use that is unparalleled in brewing all-grain beer at home. Plus we love the quality of beer produced on these machines.
every time I see that description I think I should call more beer up and say I want my free braumeister! it says right in the description is will ship to me ‘free of charge’.
To think what you can do on your own with little effort and far less money. What a ripoff.