I just popped in there for the first time in a long while. It looks terrible. I think that site has been slowly dying since they killed the Brewhaha back in the day. To me, it seemed like that move precipitated a big shift in the demographics from experienced, skilled brewers to relative noobs. I find much more useful info over here. My time on the brewing forums has majorly decreased in the past few years, but this is the place I come to when I want to learn something useful and push my brewing to the next level.
For instance, the water knowledge on this site has been hugely helpful. What a great community we have here, eh? Cheers, amigos.
They migrated to new software and nuked most of the comment database. No one from NB has bothered to explain why. You can still find old posts in the Google cache, but they’re starting to disappear. It’s a shame, there was a lot of knowledge lost.
And I hate the new format, I check in maybe once a week now.
I stopped learning things there and found I was just repeatedly telling people about very basic brewing practices. It got old. Sorry to hear they killed the older posts but I don’t really check-in there at all anyhow.
Lol, I think there’s a bit of a difference in sharing How To Brew a hundred times and foreign mashing technique. Your comparision fits better with this clip from High Fidelity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOwjVVSNOtY
I really lost interest over there about 2 years ago, but would check in every so often if things were really slow.
now, with the new format I can’t even follow what’s what. a shame - but then again, most folks that I liked over there are here regularly, so no real loss.
I never posted over there but I just saw the new format. Looks terrible. Actually, it probably looks fine on a mobile device but it is surely awful on a computer.
I’ve been getting random messages from the NB forum in my email, posts on threads? I don’t know, but it’s annoying and it happens kind of sporadically. Very odd.
People complained that they didn’t xfer a lot of old posts to the new forum. They’ve started doing that and you get a notification when one of your old posts is restored. PITA.