NB Marris Otter Extract

Anyone try this yet?

I used the grain once as part of a partial mash Irish Red.  Was a great beer, but I’m wondering what a beer with all MO would be liek.

Was thinking of maybe doing a quick SMASH extract with MO.  Maybe a pale ale.  Marris Otter/Amarillo maybe?

I’be got 12lbs at home, next time I brew I’ll let you know.

crazy i just saw this thread as i was going to post about it, asking the same question.

in any event, i just orderd 9 lbs, so i’ll be finding out soon.

Excellent!  I was just thinking not long ago that they needed to come out with a British malt extract.  Along the the Munich LME and rye LME, this really lets a person cover the bases with extract.  Awesome.

NB is also breaking new ground with 3gal BIAB AG kits, and 1gal extract kits.

And now the down side.  I understand that they discontinued their flat rate shipping policy.

Is this extract really all MO?

I know both the munich and rye extracts are still blends. still got some crystal in there etc.

NB says its 100% MO.

and that RAWKS.

I just ordered 6# of this to do two small test batches. Will let you know how it tastes.

3-gallon AG kits, interesting! I’m guessing these would work just fine for BIAMT … for those of us who find it easier to mash in a cooler.

At least one other homebrew store has been doing 1-gallon batches for a while ( http://store.brooklyn-homebrew.com/Beer+Ingredient+Kits.html ) and I think it’s a great idea. Bust that 5-gallon hegemony!