Need Advise - First Time Bottling Mead

I brewed 2.75 gallons of mead using 5 pounds of orange blossom honey and 2 pounds of wildflower honey.  The mead is dried out enough for my liking (OG 1.078, FG 1.014) and has been sitting in my beer fridge clearing for about 3 weeks.

I am planning to bottle the mead in wine bottles with corks.

Two questions:

  1. Should I still use clarifying agents? I haven’t yet but have a dose of super kleer.
  2. If I use the super kleer, do I still have to use potassium metabisulfite to kill the yeast so I don’t get bottle bombs?


I used super-kleer with mine, no potassium bisulfate, and it has been fine. In 2 days, the mead was VERY clear, and bottled. No bombs  yet, and it’s been 5 months now.