Need an iTunes expert

I’ve been using iTunes on my PC to rip CDs and xfer them to my iPad.  Works fine 99% of the time, but if I put in a CD where other artists are listed along with the title artist, it creates a separate “CD” for each combination.  I’ve tried moving the wonky ones into the main "CD"but it doesn’t work.  Make any sense?  Anybody know how to get all tracks on a physical CD to end up on the same virtual CD in iTunes?  It looks like this when it rips those CDs…

you can highlight all three of those albums and make the album title and artist the same and they will group back together.  i see this from time to time and that’s what i do to fix them.

i’m far from an expert though, so there may be a better way.  it’s the “& margo timmins” that is making it do that.

If you bring up the Info on each individual song, there is a place, maybe the second tab, where you can “check” part of a compilation. Then the song will be listed by artist and down at the bottom of the list as an album.

Thank me in Bellevue.

awesome thanks.

or, in your example, you can right click, get info, and delete the “Margo Timmins”

that’s what i’ve been doing, but i like your way better.

by the way, kottke is full of win and awesome.

You guys rock!  Thanks so much.  I’ll buy ya a beer in Bellevue!

I’ve got most of his albums going back to the 70s.  I’ve mixed a couple of his shows.  Great guy.

Snake River Brewers, I’ll make it easy, Club Night

I’ll be at the Cascade Brewers Society booth serving Wee Shroomy.  I’ll save ya some!

I only use the “Compilation” box when the album really is a compilation (like a movie soundtrack). The other way to do this is to go to the fourth tab on the Info box and just put Leo Kottke in the Album Artist field.

+1, beat my by like 30 seconds.

So many choices. I got an ideal, lets all meet Denny in Bellevue, Club Night, beers on Denny !

This is just one of the several reasons I do not like iTunes.

I use iTunes, but I do not like to use iTunes.

I mourn for MusicMatch Jukebox.

What if the beer has mushrooms in it?

100% ! I keep MusicMatch 8.2 on the computer for “fixin” things.  iTunes is just an Out basket.

Looking forward to trying some Denny.  :slight_smile:

Me, too.  But I think I might have 7.2.  I prefer MM for tagging files from old LPs after I record them with Audacity.

It took me awhile to figure out that I had to remove Windows Explorer 7 to get it MM to work again, but I got it figured out.

The only problem is it no longer looks up albums and fills in the titles.  I think they shut down the library or whatever it checked.