Need Club Membership Cards

Need a good recommendation on getting club membership cards.

We used Vista Prints and did a nice quality full bleed custom card with our logo and an area to write the member name, number, year and signature of club officer. They get a new one each year when they pay dues. It was less than $30 for something like 2500 cards.

Schu, ask Caleb where he got ours if you like the KCBM ones.

The last year I was a member of the local club they got pretty lazy about cards and just sent a card by email. It was up to you if you wanted to print one. It doesn’t really do anything except give a discount at a couple LHBS. Leadership insisted it wasn’t economical to print cards…and raised dues $10/yr. that year. Lots of bad leadership decisions that year took a toll on the club.

A useful suggestion is to talk to local printers about their prices to do a run for you. They can likely run a spreadsheet that prints individual member names per card. It might be a little more expensive than the discount online printers (which are not bad by any means) but you might be able to negotiate a sponsorship from the printer or get discounts down the road on other club printing needs.