Hello, I need to make space in my garage. I have a Blichmann Electric All Grain Brewing System (Rims) that I bought in January 2018 and I need to sell It. It’s been very well maintained and properly cleaned. I paid $5K for it and I’m wondering what it’s currently worth. Any advice on value, where to find comparable price, etc will be appreciated. If you know of an online marketplace just for beer systems, let me know. Thanks, John
Look in this forum’s index under “Classifieds”. It is a buy and sell site . At least a place to start.
As a rule used equipment is worth half of retail. If it’s pristine it may bring a bit more but, in the end, it’s worth what someone will pay for it. Being in a hurry to sell limits the number of prospective buyers and the price.
Thanks I thought that would be the answer