Need Knowledge / help "koolaid wine"

So I am new to brewing and definitely new to this website so I’m not sure if its even in the right topic technically.

So I started a sugar wash for a Kool-Aid wine with 5 cups of sugar with cider house select yeast. on the 25th of april

may 4th I posted about it on another forums and recorded that the fermentation has appeared to even speed up and it was already going like 10 seconds per bubble in the airlock.

It is may 6 the and taking about 8 seconds to bubble.

Is this Normal l what should i do/expect.

bubbling is a poor predictor of fermentation. Get a hydrometer, take a measurement. And I say this with nothing but love and respect; dont expect kool aid wine to taste very good.

not sure about koolaid, but many commercial drinks have yeast/bacteria inhibitors in them.

if you’re new to brewing, apple juice with no preservatives or liquid malt extract are probably the easiest ways to start up. liquid malt extract (LME) is what yeast crave basically. spending $20 on LME and an ounce of hops and listening to a homebrew store’s advice will get you started really well.

^^^ This right here.

I brewed a batch of “Hard Tang” early in my brewing career and it was horrible. I wish you better luck than I had.