I think the story/process behind your recipes would be a good read; how you developed the recipe, along the way what didn’t you keep and why, how many iterations to get it right, etc.
For me, a single blog entry per notable recipe would be nice. I’ll let you decide which are your “notable” recipes. I know you have a lot of them out there.
Interesting idea, guys! I’ve detailed the thought process behind my Bourbon Vanilla Imperial porter both in BYO and Experimental Homebrewing. Maybe something like that for other recipes.
Dumb question but what does “Noti” in Noti Brown Ale mean? Drew says “no tie brown” on the experimental podcast. I always thought it would be said like people say “notti” when shortening Nottingham.
Is the name a rebellious statement against neck ties? Or something else. Just curious.
Noti (pronounced “no-tie”) is the name of the nearest town to where I live. Bar, gas station, church, post office in the back of the gas station. I’m told it’s a Native American name, but I really don’t know.
“Noti was what a Native American once exclaimed in frustration with a white man. The white man had not tied up a horse as the native wanted him to during a trip up the Siuslaw River valley, but rather continued on riding the horse to Eugene.” (Wikipedia)
Nice blog. Something on your favourites might be fun - favourite hop and why, favourite yeast and why, how to get the best out of each etc. etc.
Also best beer you’ve ever made. I’d love to see more people post their all-time top recipe or maybe top beer of the year. Perhaps that would work better as a forum thread than a blog though.
It seems that it’s kinda trendy breaking the mold from making your standard NW IPAs by experimenting with a combination of English or other European hops with NW hops. I know I’m curious what are some successful pairings.
Congrats on your new blog - I look forward to reading it.