New definition of back stage pass - craft beer style

I’m not sure where Foreigner stands on folks “Music I never want to here again list” but I thought this concert plus craft brew served by the artists was an interesting idea.

It’s an interesting idea for sure.

Do you think they will modify their songs to make them relevant to the event?

Waiting for a lager like you
Feels like brewing the first time
I want to know what LODO is

That would be awesome. I love the last one.

I’m hot aerated check it and see
Got a D.O. of a hundred and three
Come on baby give brewtan a chance
I’m hot aerated…

I wanna know what clove is… I know you can starter wort

Reading this thread, I think I had an out-of-body experience. Worlds colliding! 80s songs about craft beer, yet memories of Bud, Coors and Busch! Maybe it’s time to shovel snow and get my head together.

I must admit that I have been to a Foreigner concert in the 80’s. To my credit I was more interested in the opening act: Joe Walsh. He was touring for his The Confessor album.

At least Foreigner was better with Lou Gramm. Judging by their tunes, he left at the right time. Great singer.

Actually their early work was pretty good. Hot blooded, Blue Morning, Blue day. They got really pop and big hair all of a sudden though and yuck! I remember that when I saw them it was the beginning of the crappy period. They brought out this choir to sing “I don’t know what love is” . I, being drunk and high, yelled out something obscene. For some reason, I swear to God, it happened to be dead silent in the Worcester Centrum for that one second and thousands of people craned their neck around to see, to use a phrase from that era, what dildo was so uncouth to say such a thing.

Yeah, that was my point, Pete. Substitute almost every single popular 80s rock band - first 2 or 3 albums, great. One ballad that got popular and it was a total rethink of their MO. Lou had an amazing voice. Double Vision was a great tune. Fell off a cliff after that.

The term “rock ballad” should not exist.

Made me ill and angry. When lighters were waving through the air, I was usually pissed. Early 90s were a help.

Saw Foreigner 2010ish with Journey. Only one original member ( he must own the name) and he was sick that night, so the guitarist from the warmup band stood in. Interesting thing was that they actually sounded really good. They were much better than Journey who were intact except for their new vocalist. Go figure!

You gotta love HSV.


Huntsville, AL.

Ahhh. Gotcha!