New Glarus Crack'd Wheat

Anyone have a recipe for New Glarus Crack’d Wheat?  A hoppy wheat beer that I know uses Amarillo hops and red wheat.


That’s exactly it.  Take any basic hefeweizen recipe with good old WLP380, and jack up the Amarillo hops.  Simple as that.

I’ve heard there’s some discussion about (and IIRC a recipe for) this beer in Stan Hieronymus’ Brewing With Wheat which is a book I still need to buy. I had this beer at GABF last year and wowza - this is one of the best brewed beers I’ve ever had. I’d be very interested if anyone had any more specifics on this brew.

According to Stan, the primary temp and time are proprietary, the yeast is Bavarian Weizen, it has pilsener, wheat, and caramel malts, 36 ibus, and is hopped with hallertau tradition, cascade, and amarillo.  OG 1.053, 6% abv, 86% ADF.

There’s more info scattered throughout that you might be able to glean some information from, so it’s worth getting your hands on a copy of the book I think.