Just found this forum! I am new to homebrewing and four weeks ago I did my first brew, a vanilla porter. Being a fan of coffee, I did a lot of research on best way to add a coffee taste to it. I did that (cold steep) and this past Saturday we taste tested. Had a few compliments and I thought it was good too. Sunday afternoon, went out to get another glass and the taste had changed. Not sour or rank or anything but almost acidic with stronger coffee flavor. Any idea what may have gone wrong?
Thanks all for the help. 5 gallon batch. I got with a couple home brew suppliers on tips for introducing the coffee. After listening what I did was take 8oz of coffee beans and roughly chopped them up (not grind). I then put these is a sterilized muslin and soaked in 24 oz of spring water for 24 hours. I squeezed the extract and just before transfer into keg added 3oz at a time to porter until I thought the taste was right which ended being about 8 oz of extract. Sealed it and forced carbonated for 24 hours. Like I said, was really good Saturday. I tried it again after work yesterday and taste is ok just “fizzy” taste and coffee flavor is stronger and bitterness has raised a bit too.
I’m thinking maybe when you took the first sample the coffee had not fully dispersed through the keg. Coffee flavors will fade with time, but never really go away.
You might just have a stronger coffee flavor than you like. You can always add more vanilla, but sometimes messing around just makes things worse.
Some of the people who taste tested Saturday are swinging by tonight and I am sure they will try again. I will be interested to hear their take. As a strong critic of myself maybe it is in my head. Will report back. Thx again
Well…I guess it was good. Had 10 people over last night and I no longer have any beer on tap! lol…Guess I was over thinking it. I had all kinds of bottle beer in fridge to offer but everyone kept going back to the porter. I may be beer less but I have to admit there is a smile on my face.\
I do have a oatmeal stout that should be ready to keg on Saturday and I guess I will brew two IPA’s over weekend…lol
I have to tell people all the time that I can’t describe a beer on tap in my house for them. I’ll tell them all the flaws I’ve identified and what I’m trying to fix. Then they draw a pint and look at me like I’m idiot since they taste none of the things I do. :
Congrats on your friends liking your beer and have fun brewing more!!