New Homebrew website needs writers!

In October 2011 and our physical love2brew homebrew store location will launch (store located in central NJ).  One of the things we are doing a little different from our competitors is providing daily content in variety of areas in an effort to make a destination location for many home brewers.

One of the key areas of focus in our mission is to give back to the home brewing community.  Both I and my partner Mark started our first homebrew together over 4 years ago.  Since then we’ve both become enveloped in the hobby although branching out in different ways.  A key to our success was the local and virtual homebrew communities so we want to build a business that continues to contribute back.

We’re looking for homebrewers who would be interested in writing content on a weekly basis; often being 3-4 weeks ahead of time.  We are reaching out to individuals as well as posting a general application for people to apply to.  There will be some minor compensation on a per-article basis that has the potential to grow as our business does.  We are looking for writers for the following categories:
• Beginner (novice) level brewing
• Advanced Brewing
• Hardware
• Recipes (creative, traditional, unique, etc.)
• Beer & Food pairings (This slot is already taken by a up and coming professional chef from Manhattan)

If you’re interested in learning more please contact me directly at

You should state the following:
• Your full name/phone/email
• Which category(s) you would be interested in writing for
• A brief about your home brewing experience, how long you’ve been brewing for, and why you think you’d be a great candidate to write.

We’re looking for consistent writers to help build our brand but also their own “personal brand” however we will also be looking for alternates from time to time.


A new homebrew shop in Central NJ?
Sweeeeeet  ;D

Where in central NJ?.. Might be interested in the beginner/almost beginner type writings

I am intrigued, as I know a lot of stuff, been brewing for 12 years, love to write all day long, I type fast and I never misspell a word.  But I think I’m going to be too busy this fall, working 60-some hour weeks at work… my brain will be fried.  One of these years I’ll kick myself in the rear and become a compensated writer.