So I have friends asking (begging) me for beer. I keg so it is not that easy anymore to share. Unless
they come over and have a few. So I bottle some bombers when I have a chance and take it to them.
Here is the tip. Of course bottles are clean inside and out, what I did this time, I used a clean 1 gal. rubermaid
pitcher to hold the bomber while I filled the bottle. I dialed back the CO2 pressure and filled the bottles
up. The pitcher caught the excess foam and over-fill. I capped the bottle while it was still in the pitcher (I
set is down on the counter) and filled about 4 bottles without really emptying the pitcher.
Then grabbed a mug and poured by overfill/foam and enjoyed. No waste…4 Bombers and I had about 8-10 oz
of beer to drink.
It always bugged me to see growlers filled. So much foam and beer just pouring down the drain.
When I tap a growler, I first tap a beer and set aside for consumption, this takes the initial head out of the line. Then I fill the growler until the foam gets to the neck, let sit and top off a few times. No waste.
It’s easy to fill bottles off the tap without a bunch of foam and waste. Just turn off the gas to the keg, bleed most of the pressure off through the release valve, purge bottle with CO2 from extra shutoff valve on manifold, fill at an angle, and cap on foam.