Just saw this. For commercial brewers, comment section says the homebrew pitch will still be in vials.
Neat idea.
Great idea.
You watch, they will probably change the packaging when I’ve collected 4999 vials and need just one more to have Chris White come brew with me. But since most of the shops around here don’t carry White Labs, I should reach that benchmark by the year 2099 ;D
I have several, where would you like them sent? I’ve been re-using them to give out homemade hot sauce samples.
Quite innovative idea.
Just like wyeast.
But then if you do not toot your own horn, no one else will.
I say they should can it.
I would like on 4 pack of that yeast please.
You could get one 32 oz can with brown bag.
I actually liked the Nalgene bottles. Really handy for repitching and sharing yeast with homebrewers.
If they extend this to the homebrew line, will the expiration dates go out to 6 moor more? The 3 month freshness is a major reason Wyeast is carried by a lot of LHBS.