Newb Using Muntons Kit

Hello, this is my first entry into making beer using a kit. Since I am use to making wine, I wanted to try a kit close to it.
Well I chose the Munton Wheat Beer kit, and used CMB Dark Ale Malt Extract.
EDIT: And waited the 4-6 days
upon transferring it over to the 5 gallon carboy from the 4-6 day fermentation, I let it fill all the way to the top before I put the spraymalt in and then started to stir it.
That was when it happened. I know (now) had I just put the stuff in EARLIER.
GEYSERED up and shot out
I think at least lost a half gallon if not more.
But the question:
Now what?
I just put the airlock on top, and now I am here at these forums. Lost. And I dont think it fermented enough to have much alcohol. And I think the yeast that came with this kit seems crappy.
I decided since my OG was 1050, and it was 1030 when I checked before the GEYSER. I think my yeast stalled. Did I do right by at least adding some more yeast and hoping it will at least get stronger? Thanks for any help. I didn’t know malt extract will stall yeast?

Yeah, the spraymalt (aka Dry Malt Extract or DME) should have been added to the wort during the boil.
The DME bound to whatever CO2 was in solution from the original fermentation, but the DME provided nucleation points and that made everything foam up.

I’d seriously consider just tossing it and starting over. There are many variables, many potential issues, you’ll probably not get a decent beer out of it due to the lost fermentables and lost hops.

Don’t waste your time trying to save it.  Just do another batch and consider it a learning experience.

BTW, the Munton’s yeast is sort of middle of the road in my experience, not great but not horrible. 
You can get a good batch with it if you rehydrate it before pitching and have proper temp control.

hi, welcome. not exactly sure what you meant in your post about the beer geysering up, the text might have gotten moved around accidentally?

you can make a good beer with extract. i would go with something like 2.5kg dry malt extract of any kind in 20 litres of water, add some hops following a guide ie. east kent golding = 1oz at 30 minutes, 1oz at 20 minutes and 1oz at 3 minutes left in the boil (assuming a 30 minute boil since it’s just dry extract) and use a recommended dry yeast, pretty much any of S-05, BRY-97, T-58, S-04, theyre all good and should be in better shape than a muntons yeast packet.

boil for 30 mins, cool it down as best as you can and/or leave it overnight. add yeast when its at room temperature. then wait at least 3 weeks without touching it. simple as.

Abort! Not worth salvaging. Consider this a learning experience and start over. We’ve all been there.

Wow, thank you all for the help. I was afraid of this.
I bought a muntons kit more liken to what I like anyways, and this time, I think i am better prepared for this.

This time I wont use that liquid malt extract, and stick with spray malt and the boiling part. And just poor this out.

Even with the extra yeast I randomly threw in it yesterday, it has shown no signs of doing anything, and I think I have lost it! DAMN!
Thank you all.

Its a kit. The day of me cooking and making the beer, is the day I can cook a grande meal for myself…oh shit wait I can. Nevermind.
That is the day I am finally interesting in brewing my beer. For now, I am lazy and use a kit. XD
But the yeast, yes I will never use a kits yeast again, but those kind of yeast are expensive compred to wine yeast! Argh, but I am learning.