NHC 2010 Bottle Label Ques.

I got my bottles packed up to send off but then I got to thinking…

I scratched out a number I had written on the cap with marker so there wouldn’t be any ink labeling.  Is the large black dot on my cap now considerd a label or am I being paranoid?

Nah…they’re fine.  The rules on the AHA site specifically say to use a permanent marker to cover up any markings on the cap.

Ah.  Thanks.  I must have missed that.

You can also just swipe an alcohol swab over the cap.  That takes off any of the Sharpie markings that I write on my caps and leaves the cap looking like new.

Don’t forget to use a rubberband…no taping allowed.

You’ll be fine.  The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser also works wonders on any sharpie marks you may need to get rid of.

Thanks guys.

Not sure why I didn’t think to try alcohol (I new that stuff was good for something  ;D).  Not worth undoing my packaging at this point.  Gonna drop it off after work.

…dropped my package off at a Fedex dropoff.  It was my first time using one of those locations.  The guy took it and chucked it into a post office style drop box… empty from the sound of the clunk at the end of the 3 foot drop.

I imagine these packages see worse.  I have my fingers crossed.