Hello. New member here, very much looking forward to NHC this year. The fact that it is in my backyard is pretty awesome. I was wondering if any previous attendees knew what time registration usually opens up. I know the site says February 5th but I was hoping that meant midnight as opposed to 9 am. I’m away from a computer from 7am until 5 and need to know whether I should guilt a friend into camping out in front of a screen for me or if I’ll just be sacrificing some sleep.
Thanks in advance.
I’m sure someone more in the know will confirm, but I had heard noon MST
I want to say that last year it was 10 MST. But don’t quote me on it, that’s just what I remember.
Yeah, looks like I’ll have to sucker a friend into camping in front of his computer and hoping for the best. Thanks for the help, now to sit back and wait.
I remember it at Noon Eastern, 10 Mountain.
Damn. I’ll be nowhere near a computer at that point. Time to find a benevolent friend that I can bribe with homebrew.
I saw each member will be able to register one guest. I’ll be registering me and my wife. Will I also be able to register another homebrewer (he’s an AHA member) and his wife in a separate transaction?